Definitions for ager
Definitions for ager

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ey-jer ]


  1. Often Ager. a person living in a certain historical age:

    a Gilded Ager;

    Stone Agers.

  2. Often Ager. a person who embraces a certain cultural movement:

    New Agers.

  3. a person in a certain period or stage of human life. golden ager.
  4. a thing that ages something:

    Sunlight is a skin ager.

  5. a worker who inspects electric lamps.
  6. an apparatus filled with steam through which dyed cloth is passed in order to fix the dye.
  7. a worker who stabilizes the electrical properties of a device by passing a current through it.


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Word History and Origins

Origin of ager1

First recorded in 1880–85; age ( def ) + -er 1( def )

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Q: “Pisces” comes from Latin, meaning …

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